Most people are familiar with the benefits of window tinting for your car, but not everyone realizes these same benefits are available for your home as well. Window tinting is a subtle and inexpensive way to upgrade your windows instead of spending a fortune to replace them. It’s easy to install and can fit any standard or custom window in Los Angeles. Here are 6 reasons to apply window tinting at your home.


One of the biggest benefits of residential window tinting is an increase in privacy. If you live in a busy area or want to keep potential burglars from getting an easy look into your home, a tinted privacy window in LA is one of the best ways to keep out prying eyes. You can choose the level of tint that’s right for you–from very light shading to fully opaque windows.

Prevent Fading

Window tint in Los Angeles won’t make your house dark or gloomy. It’s designed to let in plenty of light while only blocking specific types, such as harmful UV rays from the sun. This is the type of light that causes sunburn and skin cancer, and even though you may not be at risk from overexposure in your house, your floors and furniture can be negatively affected. Faded spots occur after prolonged exposure to UV rays, but they can be prevented with tinting on your windows.

Reduce Glare

Residential window tint is also useful in preventing glare from the sun. If you’re trying to watch television or work at your computer, a bright spot on the screen can make it much more difficult. Window tinting can practically eliminate this problem so you can go about your day without hassle.

Window films also reduce the amount of glare as you look through your window. Instead of squinting against the sun, you’ll be able to see more clearly and with fewer headaches.

Lower Your Bills

A huge benefit of residential window film is its ability to lower your energy bills. Just like installing a solar window in LA, window film reduces the workload on your HVAC system and keeps your bills at a reasonable level. The best part is, you’ll see benefits all year long. In the summer, window tinting deflects heat from the sun so not as much of it enters your house. During the winter, the same tint reflects heat from your HVAC system back into your home instead of letting it escape through the window.

Increase Curb Appeal

Many people install residential window film as a way to boost their property value or enhance the curb appeal of their home. Decorative films in Los Angeles look classy and elegant and give your building a more modern look. With growing environmental awareness, your home will also be seen as more eco-friendly. Whether you’re planning on selling your home at some point in the future or you just want a building to be proud of, you can benefit from window tinting.


Many people don’t realize that window tinting can actually make your windows safer. In addition to keeping people from looking in your windows, it helps hold the glass together in case of an impact. While it may not keep out a determined burglar, it does a good job keeping your window intact during strong storms and other accidents. Even if the glass does break, the film keeps it from shattering and landing all over the floor where someone could accidentally step on it and injure themselves.