If you’re tired of the morning sun glare disrupting your first cup of coffee, it may be time to look into window film. Window film is a type of covering that is designed to prevent the harmful rays of the sun from fading your floors and destroying your home’s furnishings. Depending on the type of window film you purchase, it could even reduce your monthly utility bills. If you’re looking to install home window tinting, it’s important that you have all of the information. This allows you to make an educated decision and install the film correctly.

  • Understand what you want your films for. If you are using films to block the sun, product only needs to be installed on windows that receive direct sunlight. When shopping for films and trying to establish a basic cost of the film you need, only count the windows where sunlight is an issue.
  • To protect your privacy, consider installing window film on all your windows. It’s an alternative to blinds and curtains that ensures your privacy without inhibiting your view.
  • Different types of window film are intended for specific uses. Before purchasing a product, it’s important to check the packaging to ensure that it is exactly what you want.
  • To prevent the rays of the sun from damaging your floors, upholstery, curtains, and other finishes, choose a low-e film. This window film reduces the amount of UV rays and heat that enter into your home. They come in various shades. Be aware that the darker the film, the more illumination you are losing.
  • Privacy film is a great option for those looking to ensure security. These opaque films can be installed on any windows. Many opaque films look like etched glass or rice paper. This allows light to be filtered through to your home but prevents outsiders from looking in. These types of films are also equipped to block ultraviolet rays, protecting your furnishings.
    • Glare reducing film is another option. This type of film cuts down the amount of reflected light that enters into your home.
    • Insulating window films are the perfect way to keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. During the warm months, it reflects sunlight, which reduces how much heat enters into your home. This film also reflects radiant heat towards your home’s interior during winter, which helps to reduce your energy bill.

  • Measure your windows before purchasing film. Most window films come in rolled sheets. It’s best to find sheets that will cover an entire window or window pane. This keeps things looking clean and sharp.
  • You can install your window film yourself. Using a squeegee, sponge, and razor blade, you can easily apply it to the inner glass of your window. If you’re nervous about cutting the film properly or ensuring that it looks good, consider hiring a professional to handle your installation.


Installing window film in Santa Monica is a great way to reduce glare, increase privacy, and lower your utility bill. Whether you install the film yourself or find an experienced company to handle it for you, you’ll soon be enjoying your morning cup of coffee without the glare of the sun.