As summer approaches, it’s time to think about how to protect your home interior from sun damage. While large windows flood a home with warmth and light, they also flood it with potentially damaging UV rays. All year long, but especially during sunny months, the sun gradually takes a toll on your home’s interior. Pictures and furniture fade. Wooden floors get irreparable sun spots. Carpet loses its color. While curtains and blinds can protect your interior when they’re closed, if you want to the let the light in without the risk of sun damage, consider applying a window film from a local Los Angeles windows company. As you consider which film is best for you, here are a few factors to keep in mind.


Window films come in various tints to meet various needs. If your windows are large or face a sunny side of your home or office, then choose a film that protects against fade-inducing UV rays. Similarly, if summer rays are contributing to a high energy bill each month, then select a film for a UV window in Los Angeles designed for heat control that lets in the light but not the heat. Whatever degree of light coverage or heat protection you need, there is likely a specific custom window in Los Angeles that can meet your needs.


While window films look similar, they don’t all serve the same function. Certain films are designed specifically to provide your home and windows with an added layer of protection. If you live in an area with high winds, dust, or debris, then a protective film can help protect your windows from scratches and damage. These protective films are also helpful in defending against burglaries since they add an extra thick film that makes the window difficult to break (as well as nearly impossible to see through).


Window films are affordable, but range in price depending on their quality and function. To find out which tints and levels of protection fall within your price range, talk to a local specialist in window films for an accurate quote. Of course, as you consider the price of window films, also keep in mind the money you’ll save on your energy bill each month from reduced air conditioning costs.

Regardless of the season, window films are a useful tool for protecting your home from sun damage. As you select the right film for your home, consider these factors and contact a Los Angeles windows specialist to schedule an appointment.