Morning sunlight

As summer approaches and the thermometer climbs to the point of bursting in the summer heat, there are many things you can do to prevent one of the costliest summer price hikes: soaring energy bills. In the summertime, most homeowners can expect to pay a great deal more on air conditioning, running fans, using humidifiers, and more. Instead of rolling with the price hikes, consider an effective solution: Santa Monica residential window film. Window film, or tinting that covers your home’s windows in a protective lining, can save energy, which saves you money. Here’s how.

What Is Window Tinting?

First, you should know what these products are. They are more than window coverings or shades. Rather, window tinting is a protective lining that is applied to the inside of your windows. It can be applied to any type or shape of window and can even be applied to sunroofs. It acts as a layer of sunscreen would on your skin, filtering light to protect the interior of your home. Window screens, meanwhile, actually decrease the amount of light that enters your home and block your view.

About Sunlight

While sunlight is a helpful source of vitamin D and encourages an energetic and positive mood, the sun can also be damaging. That is because the sun actually emits 3 layers, or types, of light: visible light, infrared light, and ultraviolet rays. The UV rays are the damaging element of sunlight. A type of radiation, UV light is what causes sunburns, melanoma, and damage to the interior of your home; it causes your interior paint and furniture to fade and can even degrade your flooring.

UV light is also the main cause of solar heat gain, or climbing temperatures inside of your home due to summer sunlight. UV light essentially bakes your home from the outside-in, which triggers your thermostat to run the air conditioner at higher power for a longer amount of time.

Santa Monica sunset

What Does Window Tinting Do?

When you install residential window tint in Santa Monica, you offer a protective layer for your windows. Tinting reflects UV light while allowing the other types of sunlight to pass through them. While a solid wall would reflect all light—which is one reason you cannot see through walls—well-tinted windows still allow visible light to pass through them, making them look completely clear and transparent. Home window tinting, therefore, allows you to enjoy outdoor views without the dangers of UV light exposure, one of which is solar heat gain. When less heat comes into your home, thanks to tinting, you can save money correcting these high temperatures with energy-produced cool air.

How to Begin

There are many types and strengths of window tint. Consider installing the highest-quality window film over windows that get direct sunlight, such as west-facing windows. By effectively bouncing UV light away from your house, you will spend less money cooling your home. This makes Santa Monica residential window film a positive investment for your property. You can actually save more money over time that you would originally spend on the tinting itself! What could be wrong with that? Find out for yourself how much more comfortable and financially stable you will be with the help of professionally installed window tint.